Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Somewhere In Dreamland

Dreams are funny things. I've had a couple of interest recently:
Dream #1. I was walking down the sidewalk, minding my own business, and Mr. Palin (this was the week before Election Day), complete with goatee, asks me, "Are you Dallin Bailey?" "Yes," I answer. Enter Sarah Palin. "We just wanted to thank you for forwarding that letter up to us in Alaska for us. Our daughter really needed it." I suddenly (this is all part of the dream) remembered getting a letter in the mail that was not addressed to me, so I put it back in the mailbox and forwarded it on. The Palins then gave me a big hug, there on the street. I kind of wanted to get my picture taken with them, but I didn't want to embarrass them (obviously this was a dream--what kind of politician doesn't like their picture taken?). I felt warm and fuzzy.

Dream #2. Scene 1: I was driving around some obscure rural town as a missionary with my brother Douglas, I think. We were staying at this lady's house for free. We went driving somewhere, and saw a homeless-looking man with a white beard standing at an intersection. I pulled over and offered him a ride. He got in, we took him to the lady's house, and I told him he could stay there, too. Turns out he was one of those alternative medicine people, specializing in magnet therapy for sore joints. I happened to have really sore knuckles, so he got out his little magnet tool and started rubbing my knuckle really hard. Right then, the lady came in. "Why is he staying here?" she asked. The man says, "Yeah, this is awkward." Scene 2: As I stood outside the BYU library, I saw my friend, Joseph Boone, and told him about my dream. Yes, in my dream, I told my buddy about my dream.

Any interpretations? Anybody? Personally, I think it's interesting how my political views and willingness to offer things that aren't mine show up in my dreams. I've always been pretty skeptical of alternative medicine, too.


Michelle said...

Here are my interpretations!
1) You will be able to very humbly do favors for someone famous who will then be in your debt and give you fancy presents and pay for your sister's house.

2) You and Joseph Boone will someday be homeopathic doctors and treat people in the streets of obscure European towns, specializing in matchmaking on the side. . .? ha!

Jessica Havican said...

HAHA No interpretations, but I love random dreams. As long as they don't make me feel sad when I wake up. I have some real funny ones...