Monday, October 20, 2008


A lot of my mission companions and roommates have taught me about generosity. Many of them showed by their actions that material things really aren't quite as important as day-to-day life tends to get me thinking. This has always been something I've thought about for a long while, so it's interesting to see what Jesus says about it in the New Testament. In Luke, Christ delivers some of the same Sermon on the Mount material, quite trademark: "And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again." (Luke 6:29-30).
So, give more than you're asked for, give willingly, and always be willing to possibly never see again things that you lend out. All of that is good--but what I really enjoy is what Joseph Smith says about it, in his translation, replacing an important tidbit:
"And unto him who smiteth thee on the cheek, offer also the other; or in other words, it is better to offer the other, than to revile again. And him who taketh away thy cloak, forbid not to take thy coat also. For it is better that thou suffer thine enemy to take these things, than to contend with him. Verily I say unto you, Your heavenly Father who seeth in secret, shall bring that wicked one into judgment." (JST Luke 6:29-30). I like this rendering because it includes Christ's analysis of what the regular KJV says: "it is better that thou suffer thine enemy to take these things, than to contend with him." So, I gather that God looks on contention, and my part in it, more than if I am currently being treated justly. Justice, sure He will take care of it, but eventually. I need to ask myself, am I being contentious because I feel taken advantage of? Because if so, I'm forgetting God's ultimate, though often delayed, justice. Whether or not someone really deserves something is not up to me to judge: I should give freely and willingly. I am grateful for those who have been examples of this in my life.


Jessica Havican said...

That is a very nice food for thought Dallin. By the way, I tried adding that tracker thing and it didn't show up in my profile. I may need your help with it next time I see you! Keep on being awesome!

Michelle said...

Wow, that is really good, Dallin. I need to remember that the next time I feel "rightfully" angry about unfair treatment.
Christ's teachings are so powerful. They can help us know how we need to change our very hearts.